In an episode of his satirical television show Nathan for You, comedian Nathan Fielder creates an original theatre production in order to exploit a legal loophole that allows smoking in bars if it is part of a performance. The project begins as a one-off invisible theatre performance but quickly morphs into an experiment in the possibilities and limits of theatre of the real when Fielder re-stages the initial event with actors so the production can be repeatable, and thus marketable as a consistent product. In the “Smokers Allowed” episode, Fielder’s comedic attempts to painstakingly recreate events highlight the inherent ridiculousness of reality-based performances. This Nathan for You episode brings together two related approaches to perf...
The exploration of the relationship between the fictional and the real in projects by ViaNegativa, a...
This paper discusses the process and resulting performance piece So Pleased To Meet You, which was c...
The Theatre of the Absurd represents one of the many shifts in the art forms of the second half of t...
In an episode of his satirical television show Nathan for You, comedian Nathan Fielder creates an or...
Theater, historically, has served as a site for intense debates about ontology, specifically as conc...
What is the relationship between a “performance,” a prank, a disguise, a novel, a lie ... and the “w...
Taking as its central focus the question, “What feels real to contemporary audiences?” this project ...
Contemporary theatre, and performing arts in general, no longer seems to be interested in the repres...
This article develops the concept of a colloquial performance practice with the use of three example...
This article focuses on the possible outcomes that may unfold when personal narratives have been int...
The research explores the performances versus reality in “reality†the reality television show Bi...
The theme of the article comments upon ‘reality' as a fabricated space for deceit and when one’s att...
The post-truth world is one in which the US President, in his first 100 days, reportedly misrepresen...
the author re-examines the question of fictional experience (construed as a «shared suspension of di...
Notre étude se propose de montrer qu'au cours des deux dernières décennies, des années 1989-2009, av...
The exploration of the relationship between the fictional and the real in projects by ViaNegativa, a...
This paper discusses the process and resulting performance piece So Pleased To Meet You, which was c...
The Theatre of the Absurd represents one of the many shifts in the art forms of the second half of t...
In an episode of his satirical television show Nathan for You, comedian Nathan Fielder creates an or...
Theater, historically, has served as a site for intense debates about ontology, specifically as conc...
What is the relationship between a “performance,” a prank, a disguise, a novel, a lie ... and the “w...
Taking as its central focus the question, “What feels real to contemporary audiences?” this project ...
Contemporary theatre, and performing arts in general, no longer seems to be interested in the repres...
This article develops the concept of a colloquial performance practice with the use of three example...
This article focuses on the possible outcomes that may unfold when personal narratives have been int...
The research explores the performances versus reality in “reality†the reality television show Bi...
The theme of the article comments upon ‘reality' as a fabricated space for deceit and when one’s att...
The post-truth world is one in which the US President, in his first 100 days, reportedly misrepresen...
the author re-examines the question of fictional experience (construed as a «shared suspension of di...
Notre étude se propose de montrer qu'au cours des deux dernières décennies, des années 1989-2009, av...
The exploration of the relationship between the fictional and the real in projects by ViaNegativa, a...
This paper discusses the process and resulting performance piece So Pleased To Meet You, which was c...
The Theatre of the Absurd represents one of the many shifts in the art forms of the second half of t...